Personal Profile:
Dr. Bianchi Silvio Diego
Professional Experiences:
Born in Lodi (Italy) June 3rd 1946
Graduate in Medicine in 1970, Specialist in Radiology and Oncology.
Professor of Radiology: Department of Oral Radiology of the Dental School of the University of Torino.
Italy Teacher of Radiology in the Dental School and in several Medical Specialties.
Formerly Dean of the Radiographer School of the University of Torino from 1998 since 2012.
Formerly Regional Director of the International Association of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology.
Member of the Editorial Board of OOOOE, DMFR and Int J CARS.
Founder and President of SIROM, The Italian Society of Dentoal and Maxillo Facial Radiology .
Publications and Conferences:
Authors of many publication both in Italian and in English language.